woensdag 21 december 2016

Week 2.6 Services Marketing; Modifying the marketing mix for business markets, services and international

Marketing Environment
Simon Isrif, 438344, DIM1VC

Week 2.6       Services Marketing; Modifying the marketing mix for business markets, services and international

(UFS, n.d.)

Which services (related to your product) are offered by the manufacturer of your product? Describe the extended marketing mix for these services.
Sennheiser offers both pre-sale and after-sale services for their headphones and other products. Sennheiser’s global services at a glance are the following:

  • A worldwide network has more than 90 service centres in over 80 countries.
  • A workforce with over 100 fully trained technicians.
  • All service workshops carry a parts stock that meets the needs of their local customers.
  • The service technicians can remotely order parts online.
  • Each technician has instant access to the service documentation of more than 3.000 products.
  • Nearly all reported problems are successfully resolved by our service technicians on their first call.
(Sennheiser, 2016).

Which new services do you see could be interesting to have for your product?
Sennheiser currently already has a very wide range of offered services relation to the offered products and therefore it is a difficult task to find new potential services that are not already in use. However, services that could be interesting are ones involved in a higher level of costumer involvement.

Explain the intangibility, variability, inseparability and perishability of these services and explain which consequences these service characteristics have for the marketing of your product.
To improve the intangibility, the inherent quality of services, the experience prior of the purchase, the experience after purchase and attributes after consumption have to be assessed.

The quality of the service is a key feature of services. Give two examples of how the quality of services for your product could enhance the client/consumer’s quality perception.
Quality of the services offered by a company in relation to their product is important to keep consumer loyalty and repeat purchase. To take as an example that could enhance the quality perception are the level of commitment and motivation of personnel to help customers with potential problems or questions, this improves the ambience that the customer experiences in the store which could lead to a higher appreciation and quality perception of the products. An

What promotional strategies could you follow in relation to the product issues and promotion? Describe a possible strategy for your product.
Senneiser is a global, respected and settled company and it is therefore advised to use the current product and promotion in a new country. This strategy is very efficient for Sennheiser because it eliminates the expenses of marketing research and product redevelopment for individual countries. The translation of the products and promotional massages is however advised to make sure potential clients understand the product and the company.

Explain how the P of people is linked to your product from the perspective of personnel
A company’s personnel represents the company and it is therefore very important to make sure that the interaction between them and the costumers involves a high level of human involvement and attention. Sennheiser values a quality based image of its products, which also means that personnel have to be specifically selected, trained and motivated to illustrate this professional and qualitative image.

Sennheiser. (2016). Sennheiser Global Services. Retrieved from https://en-us.sennheiser.com/global-service
UFS. (n.d.). Aim for the Services Marketing Module. Retrieved from https://lms.tuit.co.za/courses/95/pages/aim-for-the-services-marketing-module

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